Hello dear fellows! My name is Caroline and I am a 41 years old mother and wife. It has been 19 years that I work as a travel agent. I presently live in Vancouver, B.C. and work at TFL Travel Agency. I really enjoy working there since my coworkers and clients are always so nice and sweet. Because I work real close to where I live, each morning I walk to work, which is really pleasant and enjoyable.
First of all, I decided I wanted to become a travel agent because I always, always have loved to travel around the world. I've travelled in Europe, Russia, China, America as well as in Canada too. For me, trips are a big part of my life. I acknowledged this job when going on my first trip with my parents at the age of 15. At that time, my family did not have a lot of money. So that is how I became a travel agent, working in the domain I love so much.
Yet, before achieving to where I am presently, I had to go through steps. For instance, after gaining my high school diploma, I went to college and did courses on travel and tourism. It took me 3 years and a half to get my Bachelor's degree in travel and tourism. Though, the length of education depends on how semesters you want to take your courses, because normally it is 2 to 5 years of education. During that time, I gained further skills that I did not necessarily had before. For example, I gained communication skills and selling skills which includes persuasive ones. Also, to be an excellent travel agent, you have to be people smart, since you work with people and clients.
To see how it is in a travel agent's day, here was mine. First of all, I went to work walking which it was a pretty autumn day. Not too cold though which was perfect. When I got to the agency, I prepared my clients files for the day which I would meet. Then, when my first clients came, I greeted them and asked them several questions on what they were looking for, type of trip they wanted and most importantly, how much ($) they wanted to spend on the trip (maximum). I proposed them few options, but they seemed undecided which is perfectly normal. Then when they left, they rescheduled another meeting. This meeting took about 2 hours, which then I went to lunch. After, I had other meetings which went prettily the same. One client it was its 3rd meeting and choose the trip they wanted and I booked it for them. Finally at the end of the day, I arranged paperwork and all and went back home walking.
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