Saturday 23 February 2013

Social Worker

Blog Post: 1
Subject: Social Worker

Dear readers, I present myself as Edward, but everyone calls me Ed or Eddy. I work at the McIntyre Junior High School in Ohio as a social worker. It has been only 4 years and a half since I have been working there as a social worker. Presently, I am 28 years old and live in a beautiful apartment. Unfortunately I do not have any pets since I am allergic to them. So, the reason I became a social worker is real simple. My mother used to work in this domain and I was always intrigued and wanted to know more. Plus, since she knew I liked it, my mother encouraged me in following my studies in this job.

Before becoming a social worker, I went to school for sure. I had to accomplish my Bachelor's degree so I went to the Ohio College and had a four year education. These years of my life seemed really long though but I finally made it which I am proud of myself. Yet, in these four long years, I managed to develop my communication and listening skills which gave me more confidence in myself. Also, I became more people smart than myself smart which is fundamental if working as a social worker.

So today it was a busy day for a Friday. Many students came in my office. For instance, this one girl has an alcohol issue and almost got expelled but as a social worker, you dwell with it and try to find a solution so that the worse don't happen. Also, there was a guy who cam to talk to me about his problems at home. How his parents are always fighting and all. I listened to the boy talk and tried to help him and find solutions. Also, there was this other girl who came to me crying that she was pregnant. This was a shock but managed to do just find and responded. I asked her to come each week for a weekly notice and how she was holding up. Also to talk about what she wanted to do with the baby. There were other students that came, but like you see, a social worker does not only work with small cases.
Where I work, it is not rare that there will be big problems to help. However, that is why I like being a social worker.

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