Hello! My name is Allison, but everyone calls me Alli. I'm 36 years old and I live in Sydney, Australia. It has been 12 years since I work as an accountant in an Australian company. I'm quite satisfied working there, since I get paid fairly well and it's something I like to do. I chose to be an accountant given that I am extremely strong in maths and always loved money.
Today was a calm day compared to other times, though who dislikes smooth, relax work days? Not me, ha ha! Anyways, this morning, I had a two hour team meeting about finance, budget and other accounting stuff. We talked how the company went this past year compared to other years and we concluded that everything went more than better and that our budget went higher. Also, during the meeting we talked about how it went individually, what could be improved, and so on... Then, to make my day even better, I did the a report on the company's budget and finance and gave it to my boss. After, near the end of the day, I showed the new one how it worked here, because I'm experienced. Like a course, we could say. Showed him how the paperwork was done, how the new computers work (network), and everything that was needed. With this, my day ended and went back home!
Couple of advice for future accountants; they should be number and people smart, due to the fact that accountants work with numbers (money/math/etc) and clients/individuals/colleagues. This leads to important needed skills, such as mathematical, analyzing, communication and listening skills.
Being an accountant might seem an easy job but it is not. Some days are really stressful and not reposing at all. Yet, before reaching the peak, you have to go to school eventually. I did five years to complete and earn my bachelor degree in finance and my master level degree. I was not obliged to complete my master degree but it looked better in my handout, and this way, I had a better chance to obtain a job versus someone who had not their master.
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